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EME2’s 10th Anniversary in Australia

This Valentine’s Day, not only are we highlighting our Group value of Caring, but we’re also celebrating the important 10th anniversary of Australia’s first-ever EME2 project!

On February 14th, 2014, some 350 tonnes of EME2 were mixed and paved by Boral along Cullen Avenue in the industrial area of Eagle Farm for Brisbane City Council. Talk about a Valentine’s gift!

The mix was designed by COLAS in our Paris laboratory to the European Standard but using local Australian aggregates and hard bitumen produced by SAMI Bitumen Technologies at their Port of Brisbane bitumen terminal.
Performance monitoring was a joint effort between AARB and Brisbane City Council, which ultimately led to the development of EME2 specifications that many State Road Authorities use today.
Over the last 10 years, it’s been estimated that over 3 million tonnes of EME2 asphalt have been paved across Australia, with the majority in Queensland for Department of Transport and Main Roads (QTMR).

So this Valentine’s Day, join us in celebrating the anniversary of this once innovative and now proven high-performance and cost-effective structural asphalt, while we continue caring for our local roads, daring to innovate, and sharing our success with Australia!

Published: Wed 14 February 2024
