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National Emergency Medal

“The fires at Cudlee Creek and Kangaroo Island were the worst I’ve experienced in my 15 years of service with the South Australian Country Fire Service”

Earlier this year, Daniel-Rensburg Phillips (Business Development Manager for Topcoat Asphalt) was awarded the National Emergency Medal for his service in fighting the 2019-20 Australian Bushfires.

The Bushfires, which burned from approximately June 2019 to May 2020 and with their greatest intensities over the summer (nicknamed Black Summer), were the most devastating and costly fires Australia has ever seen. In December 2020, the Black Summer Bushfires were declared to have “nationally-significant emergency” status by the Governor-General due to the destruction the fires caused to our people, homes, and land – with at least 34 deaths, almost 3,000 homes destroyed, billions of animals affected and killed, vast ecosystem collapse, around 715 million tons of CO2 emissions, and estimations of around $80 billion in national damages.

The Governor-General’s nationally-significant emergency status in December 2020 for the Black Summer Bushfires allowed Australians to be awarded the National Emergency Medal as recognition for their bravery in fighting the fires. Daniel Rensburg-Phillips was of these exemplary Australians.

The South Australian Country Fire Service (CFS) is the volunteer-based fire service for South Australia, responsible as the prime control agency for firefighting in the country regions of the state. As one of the volunteer firefighters, Daniel was deployed as an emergency responder to the Adelaide Hills at Cudlee Creek, where fires claimed over 70 homes.

COLAS is beyond proud of Daniel’s service to his family, community, and Australia. His volunteer work with the CFS helped save lives, homes, wildlife, and the environment. His recognition as a National Emergency Medal recipient is a significant achievement – we thank you for your service, Daniel.

Published: Tue 07 February 2023
