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Corporate Social Responsibility and Colas

COLAS has identified Corporate Social Responsibility as an important part of our sustainability initiative for Australia. A working group was formed in October to develop guidelines to identify projects which would lead to closer engagement with the communities in which we work. The program’s focus is on how our businesses can meet the community needs by identifying initiatives that create enrichment, engagement and tangible benefits locally. It is more than just a donation or having a fundraiser, it is a multi-faceted approach targeting the welfare of others.

In the last edition of RAP’t we shared the story of Sunandha Rajaram from our HR Department who, along with her family and others from her community, has started an organisation called Compassion of Souls. They regularly provide food and support to the homeless and less fortunate in local communities of Parramatta, Blacktown and Liverpool. What was surprising and encouraging was how this resonated with our readers sparking a connection between one of our recently hired employees, Lee Lacour from SAMI. Lee joined the group for a Saturday lunch service, and then again on Sunday. The momentum continues with Lee now wishing to reach out to other communities. In Lee’s own words, he talks of his experience….

“First off I’d like to thank Rajaram and Shree. I’m just thrilled to be a part of this. In all this we give The Almighty all the glory and honour through our words and deeds. Thank you Rajaram and Shree for making this possible.”

This is the essence of compassion and we hope the momentum continues creating more opportunities for this program to grow in impact and participation. This also has a direct connection with our aims in the CSR program, and to this point COLAS Australia have decided to make this particular organisation our foundation recipient of community financial support.

COLAS Australia Group are proud to announce we will work with the Compassion of Souls organisation to deliver monthly food hamper packs to the homeless and less fortunate to the extent of $10,000 in the first 6 months of 2022. Our head office staff will partner to assist with purchasing and packaging to provide these hampers so they are ready to distribute.What a wonderful initiative by this organisation and what a privilege it is to be part of it’s impact in our community.

Published: Wed 01 December 2021
